DALLAS: 214.630.1655    AUSTIN: 512.220.9456


  1. How did you get your start with MPS and how long have you been with the company?

I had just returned from living in Israel and brought my future wife back to Dallas in 1982 when my brother Mark asked us to get involved with his equipment rental business that he had setup in his garage.  He had a shelved out box truck, an Elemack dolly, and what I thought was a large inventory of grip, cable and tungsten lighting that he was renting at the same time that he was freelancing as an assistant cameraman. I started gripping and driving the first MPS grip truck in Dallas at that time.  We’ve been going and growing ever since.

  1. When you’re not at MPS, where can we find you? i.e. How do you recharge?

When I’m not at MPS, I’m usually relaxing at the house, working in the yard, and a little socializing. Spending time with my wife, Gillian, family, and enjoying life.

  1. What’s your favorite piece of equipment to work with?

My favorite piece of equipment to work with is the whole entire entity that is MPS Studios.  Using MPS Studios to service the Motion Picture business in Texas to the best of my ability.

  1. If we were to hop onto your music playlist, what would we see you were listening to most recently?

Since I have traveled around the world in my lifetime, I do enjoy every bit of music that is out there!  From Classical, Pop, Rock, Country Western, Middle Eastern, are a few examples.

  1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

My superpower would be the power to heal sickness and disease because I hate it, devastating effects in human kind.